Table I

- Woodcut depicting the Copernican system.
- Johannes Kepler (1571-1630).
- Prodromus dissertationum cosmographicarum, continens Mysterium Cosmographicum, de admirabili proportionem orbium coelestium, deque causis caelorum numeri, magnitudinis, motuumque periodicorum genuinis & propriis, demonstratum, per quinque regularia corpora geometrica.
- Tübingen: Georgius Gruppenbachius, 1596.
This woodcut diagram (Table I) displays the version according to the Copernican system, with the static Sun being in the center of the universe (In centro, vel prope est Sol immobilis). The order or sequence of the planets is listed along with the lengths of their respective yearly revolutions around the Sun. For example, Mercury’s length is 88 days, and Venus’ is 224 days. It also provides the angle or parallaxis between planets. In relation to Mars, the Earth’s angle is described as “TGV”, and its parallax as “TV”.